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Fixed Orthodontics

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Fixed Orthodontics is a system of dental treatment whereby braces are fixed onto the teeth in order to move them to the desired position. Here, it is performed by a orthodontists who are specialists in the field.

Duration of the treatment - is highly variable – it depends on the age of the individual undergoing treatment, the nature of the corrective tooth movements involved and a host of other factors. Generally a time period of one year to a year and a half will be sufficient. However patients requiring complex tooth movements and those who are comparatively older, tend to require more time for completion of treatment than others.

Commencement of treatment and frequency of following visits – Treatment can commence only after complete scaling (cleaning), fillings and extractions (if they are required). Other treatment procedures such as periodontal surgery etc. may also be required prior to commencement of orthodontic treatment. The first orthodontic appointment will be a long one as sufficient time period is required for fixing the braces.

After completion of fixation of braces, the subsequent visits are generally short – for about half an hour. However, much more time may be required in the event of breakage or damage to the braces. Generally, a time gap of approximately one month is given between appointments, unless otherwise required.

The appliance is likely to cause certain amount of discomfort during the initial phase. This can manifest itself as ulcers in the mouth, difficulty in chewing and talking. Once the patient gets used to the appliance, these problems will gradually subside.

Maintenance of meticulous oral hygiene is a must during the phase of treatment. If this is not done, food debris are likely to accumulate in the appliance spaces. This will further lead to tooth decay and gum diseases. Hence, lack of proper daily brushing will eventually lead to loss of the teeth which we have been attempting to reposition. Brushing after every meal is desirable.

Completion of treatment
After completion of fixed appliance treatment, you will be given a removable retention-appliance. This is meant for maintaining the position of the repositioned teeth. The appliance need not be worn during food intake. Non use of the retention appliance can cause relapse – ie., return of the teeth to the original position, prior to treatment.